
AJAX in 10 Minutes

AJAX in 10 Minutes

Item No: 978-0672328688

Sams Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes is a concise introduction to the basics of building Ajax applications and the architecture and operation of these applications. You will learn the techniques employed in using Ajax, introducing Ajax and explaining how it may be used to solve realistic user interface problems. You will be able to immediately begin building web applications, and will have platform from which to explore more advanced aspects of Ajax.  "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title...


Angular 2 Cookbook

Angular 2 Cookbook

Item No: 978-1785881923

70+ extensive examples: Each recipe provides you with strategies to face every challenge in Angular 2 head on All code from the latest version: Covers no legacy material from the outdated Angular release candidates; all code up-to-date with the latest release of Angular 4.0 Webpack application organization: Includes instructions on how to build applications with Webpack, SystemJS, and Angular CLI Companion website links: Each recipe provides a unique URL on the book's companion website; the page includes links to a working example on Plunker, the recipe's source code on GitHub, and various related resources. The companion website has no login, and is free to use. Immediately experiment with working code: Almost every recipe in the book has a link on the companion site to a working Plunker. Visit the link and start experimenting with Angular 2 right away - no setup or installation required. Step-by-step examples: All the code in the book is explicitly written out, and every pi..


Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners 1st Editio

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners 1st Editio

Item No: 978-1593275990

by Al Sweigart (Author) In Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, you'll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand—no prior programming experience required. Once you've mastered the basics of programming, you'll create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation to: Search for text in a file or across multiple files Create, update, move, and rename files and folders Search the Web and download online content Update and format data in Excel spreadsheets of any size Split, merge, watermark, and encrypt PDFs Send reminder emails and text notifications Fill out online forms Step-by-step instructions walk you through each program, and practice projects at the end of each chapter challenge you to improve those programs and use your newfound skills to automate similar tasks. Don't spend your time doing work a well-trained monkey could do. Even if you've never written..


Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual QuickProject Guide

Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual QuickProject Guide

Item No: 978-0321524416

by Larry Ullman This book covers one reasonably significant project that uses Ajax in a practical way. The selected project provides a good example of how a particular web application can be enhanced by adding Ajax functionality. Condition: Used/Perfect..


Building Web Components with TypeScript and Angular 4

Building Web Components with TypeScript and Angular 4

Item No: 978-0997303728

Angular is Google's foremost framework for developing high-performing, rock-solid web applications. Unlike most web apps, Angular apps are based on components, which means they're composed of interchangeable software elements that can be replaced and re-used. Angular's modularity ensures rapid development, high reliability, and ease of upgrading. To create Angular components, developers can take advantage of a new language from Microsoft called TypeScript. TypeScript encompasses JavaScript, but provides many helpful features including classes, interfaces, static types, and improved tooling support. TypeScript gives you the best of both worlds: the object-oriented methodology of high-level languages and the speed and convenience of JavaScript. To present these topics, the first chapters of the book provide a thorough introduction to the TypeScript language, from its new data types to its support for the document object model (DOM). After that, the book focuses on Angular and its m..




Item No: NTPD

THE NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE DICTIONARY exceeds in completeness and scope all other puzzle dictionaries. No useful word has been omitted. Not only have puzzles themselves been combed for synonyms that are used over and over, but also a word-for-word reading of major unabridged dictionaries, both current and old, produced a thoroughly complete and extensive checklist. Each of us has been solving and compiling puzzles for many years, and our chief purpose has been to design a practical and easy-to-use dictionary, in the belief that your needs and requirements for such a volume closely reflect our own. For example, the synonyms are arranged by the number of letters, and then alphabetized so you can quickly find the very word that fills the spaces in the puzzle. Another feature, one that seems obvious for a crossword puzzle dictionary but is not found in most of them, is that all words are printed in easy- to-read capital letters. The type has been chosen with great care for its ..


JavaScript and Ajax for the Web, Sixth Edition

JavaScript and Ajax for the Web, Sixth Edition

Item No: 978-0321430328

by Tom Negrino (Author), Dori Smith (Author) This reference’s visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with JavaScript in no time. In this completely updated edition of our best-selling guide to JavaScript, leading Web and computing experts Tom Negrino and Dori Smith use crystal-clear instructions and friendly prose to introduce you to all of today's JavaScript essentials. Along the way, you'll find extensive coverage of Ajax and XML techniques...


jQuery in Action 1st Edition

jQuery in Action 1st Edition

Item No: 978-1933988351

by Bear Bibeault (Author), Yehuda Katz (Author), John Resig (Foreword) Bear Bibeault has been working in the area of web applications since the mid-90s, getting started with beta versions of JSP and Servlets. He is a senior moderator at the popular JavaRanch site, and has contributed articles to that site's JavaRanch Journal. He also co-authored two other Manning books: Ajax in Practice and Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action. Bear works and resides in Austin, TX. A good web development framework anticipates what you need to do and makes those tasks easier and more efficient; jQuery practically reads your mind. Developers of every stripe-hobbyists and professionals alike-fall in love with jQuery the minute they've reduced 20 lines of clunky JavaScript into three lines of elegant, readable code. This new, concise JavaScript library radically simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery in A..


Laravel: Up & Running: A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps

Laravel: Up & Running: A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps

Item No: 978-1492041214

by Matt Stauffer (Author) What sets Laravel apart from other PHP web frameworks? Speed and simplicity, for starters. This rapid application development framework and its ecosystem of tools let you quickly build new sites and applications with clean, readable code. Fully updated to cover Laravel 5.8, the second edition of this practical guide provides the definitive introduction to one of todayâ??s most popular web frameworks. Matt Stauffer, a leading teacher and developer in the Laravel community, delivers a high-level overview and concrete examples to help experienced PHP web developers get started with this framework right away. This updated edition also covers Laravel Dusk and Horizon and provides information about community resources and other noncore Laravel packages. Dive into features, including: Blade, Laravelâ??s powerful custom templating tool Tools for gathering, validating, normalizing, and filtering user-provided data The Eloquent ORM for working with ap..


Modern PHP: New Features and Good Practices

Modern PHP: New Features and Good Practices

Item No: 978-1491905012

by Josh Lockhart (Author) PHP is experiencing a renaissance, though it may be difficult to tell with all of the outdated PHP tutorials online. With this practical guide, you’ll learn how PHP has become a full-featured, mature language with object-orientation, namespaces, and a growing collection of reusable component libraries. Author Josh Lockhart―creator of PHP The Right Way, a popular initiative to encourage PHP best practices―reveals these new language features in action. You’ll learn best practices for application architecture and planning, databases, security, testing, debugging, and deployment. If you have a basic understanding of PHP and want to bolster your skills, this is your book. Learn modern PHP features, such as namespaces, traits, generators, and closures Discover how to find, use, and create PHP components Follow best practices for application security, working with databases, errors and exceptions, and more Learn tools and techniques for deploying, t..


MySQL in 10 Minutes

MySQL in 10 Minutes

Item No: 978-0672328633

by Chris Newman (Author) Now at over 5 million downloads and widely used at all levels, MySQL continues to grow in popularity. Readers are hungry for a concise, easily accessible tutorial on MySQL basics that allows them to get up and running quickly. While there are many MySQL books on the market, there are no up-to-date books that meet this need for the reader. Furthermore, sales of MySQL books clearly shows the need for a concise, handy tutorial versus the more bulky introductions to MySQL. Sams Teach Yourself MySQL in 10 Minutes provides a no-fluff, just-the-answers guide to building and managing MySQL databases...


Professional WordPress: Design and Development 3rd Edition

Professional WordPress: Design and Development 3rd Edition

Item No: ‎ 978-1118987247

The highest rated WordPress development and design book on the market is back with an all new third edition. Professional WordPress is the only WordPress book targeted to developers, with advanced content that exploits the full functionality of the most popular CMS in the world. Fully updated to align with WordPress 4.1, this edition has updated examples with all new screenshots, and full exploration of additional tasks made possible by the latest tools and features. You will gain insight into real projects that currently use WordPress as an application framework, as well as the basic usage and functionality of the system from a developer's perspective. The book's key features include detailed information and real-world examples that illustrate the concepts and techniques at work, plus code downloads and examples accessible through the companion website. Written by practicing WordPress developers, the content of this edition focuses on real world application of WordPress concepts th..


Programming the Raspberry Pi

Programming the Raspberry Pi

Item No: 978-1259587405

Learn to create inventive programs and fun games on your powerful Raspberry Pi―with no programming experience required. This practical book has been revised to fully cover the new Raspberry Pi 2, including upgrades to the Raspbian operating system. Discover how to configure hardware and software, write Python scripts, create user-friendly GUIs, and control external electronics. DIY projects include a hangman game, RGB LED controller, digital clock, and RasPiRobot complete with an ultrasonic rangefinder. Updated for Raspberry Pi 2 Set up your Raspberry Pi and explore its features Navigate files, folders, and menus Write Python programs using the IDLE editor Use strings, lists, functions, and dictionaries Work with modules, classes, and methods Create user-friendly games using Pygame Build intuitive user interfaces with Tkinter Attach external electronics through the GPIO port Add powerful Web features to your projects..


Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos

Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos

Item No: 978-1582971766

by Rohn Engh (Author) Practical Proven Advice: the difference between good pictures and marketable pictures - the ones photo buyers need constantly the four-step principle guaranteed to produce marketable photographs every time how the internet is being used how to find your strengths and develop your market list how to price your pictures how to market by mail - and present a professional image promotion techniques that get your name out and your pictures noticed a filing method that keeps your pictures easily retrievable how to approach a stock photo agency..


Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog 2nd Edition

Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog 2nd Edition

Item No: 978-1119995968

Smashing WordPress shows you how to utilize the power of the WordPress platform, and provides a creative spark to help you build WordPress-powered sites that go beyond the obvious. The second edition of Smashing WordPress has been updated for WordPress 3.1+, which includes internal, custom post types, the admin bar, and lots of other useful new features. You will learn the core concepts used to post types, the admin bar, and lots of other useful new features. You will learn the core concepts used to build just about anything in WordPress, resulting in fast deployments and greater design flexibility. Inside, WordPress expert Thord Daniel Hedengren takes you beyond d the blog and shows you how WordPress can serve as a CMS, a photo gallery, and e-commerce site, and more. This edition includes new and upgraded examples of cool WordPress usage. You Will Learn How To... Build Beautiful WordPress Themes, including Child Themes Create Custom Login Forms and Admin Themes Use the..


The Book of CSS3: A Developer's Guide

The Book of CSS3: A Developer's Guide

Item No: 978-1593272869

by Peter Gasston (Author) CSS3 is the technology behind most of the eye-catching visuals on the Web today, but the official documentation can be dry and hard to follow. Luckily, The Book of CSS3 distills the heady technical language of the CSS3 specification into plain English, so you can get started on your next project right away. With real-world examples and a focus on results, The Book of CSS3 shows you how to transform ordinary text into stunning, richly detailed web pages fit for any browser. You'll master the latest cutting-edge CSS features, like multi-column layouts, borders and box effects, and new color and opacity settings. You'll also learn how to: Stylize text with fully customizable outlines, drop shadows, and other effects Create, position, and resize unlimited background images on the fly Spice up static web pages with event-driven transitions and animations Apply 2D and 3D transformations to text and images Use linear and radial gradients to create..


Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets

Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets

Item No: 978-0470624661

by McFedries (Author) Maximize your fun and boost your productivity with this updated, full-color guide to tantalizing Twitter tips! The popularity of Twitter continues to soar, and is fast becoming the most popular social networking site online. Whether you're looking to learn how to set up an account for the first time or are on the prowl for some cool third-party Twitter apps, this full-color guide will boost your entire Twitter experience. Allowing you to communicate with fellow Twitters within a 140-character limit, this fun and fascinating social networking tool is easier than maintaining a blog and quicker than sending an e-mail or text. With these tips, tricks, and tweets, you'll stay in the know and up to date on anything and everything you find interesting. Explores the newest Twitter features, including the new re-tweet feature, which adds a re-tweet button to each tweet on a person's timeline, much like the sites current "reply" button Discusses Twitter's n..


Vue.js 2.x by Example

Vue.js 2.x by Example

Item No: 978-1788293464

by Mike Street (Author) This book is for developers who know the basics of JavaScript and are looking to learn Vue.js with real examples. You should understand the basics of JavaScript functions and variables and be comfortable with using CSS or a CSS framework for styling your projects. Looping through data with Vue.js Searching and filtering data Using components to display data Getting a list of files using the dropbox API Navigating through a file tree and loading folders from a URL Caching with Vuex Pre-caching for faster navigation Introducing vue-router and loading components Using vue-router dynamic routes to load data Using vue-router and Vuex to create an ecommerce store..


Wordpress 4.x Complete by Karol Krol (Author)

Wordpress 4.x Complete by Karol Krol (Author)

Item No: 978-1784390907

What you will learn from this book Launch your website quickly with the help of а quick WordPress installation guide Create content that is optimized for puЫishing оп the Web Create а quality website with а proper assemЫy of important subpages lnstall and work with plugins and widgets lnstall and create attractive themes for your website Create custom menus to improve the user experience of your website Upload multimedia content such as images audio, and video easily and effectively  Build your first plugins and widgets to add features to your website Expand the features of VVordPress for creating non-Ыogging websites and administer them..


Showing 1 to 19 of 19 (1 Pages)